It's Your Call.
Ready To Develop Applications That Change?
Find What You Are Looking For.
An entry of responsive codes. A web application request. A digital marketing maintenance. Out of the assignments, Intex Networking delivers Information Technology solutions in the whole nine yards. Years of innovating experience and code writing have put us here — now renowned Malaysian experts of software development and web designing, we bridge the gap between usage convenience and productivity exposure.
The ever-evolving world is now digitised — and is therefore, an internet landscape. We dwell, adapt and utilise the Open Source to retrieve, connect and share. Given any day, software applications are used all throughout. Intex Networking honours clientele by designing web and mobile apps to specific individual business needs, engaging proprietors into the electronic network while increasing overall online exposure. Ardently developing software either to a template-based program or customised system, the perks of either options use can still complement any corporate.
As a Full Stack Software Development firm, there’s nothing Intex Networking can’t do. Whether it’d be an e-commerce webpage application, or a niche Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System— let alone, Entreprise Resource Planning (ERP), we design, develop, empower and then maintain. Where programming is our duty, and code reading is our life, this is the one-stop Malaysia’s InfoTech solution you need.
It's Your Call.
Ready To Develop Applications That Change?